Cardiology and Cardiothoracic

Cardiology and Cardiothoracic
Services offered by the department (Cardiology and Cardiothoracic)
Daily opd clinic, non invasive tests(ecg, echo, holter, stress ecg, ambulatory blood pressure, diagnostic coronary angiogram, percutaneous coronary angioplasty, temporary and permanent pace maker implantation, coronary artery bypass grafts, right heart catheterization studies, device closure for structural heart disease, open heart surgeries for pediatrics and adults, community health educations and outreach programms
Dr. Happyness Kusima
Dr. Kelvin Massava
Dr. John Meda
Clinics and other services
Community health services
Number of patients we serve per year
Cardiology and Cardiothoracic served 15000
How can a patient get access to our services?
Through our department profile
Public awareness campain
Outreach programmes
Institutions we are cooperating with
Jakaya kikwete cardiac institute
University of Dodoma
ZGT overzee
For heart and souls
Children heart charity association
Plans for quality services
By strictly following SOPs
Client service contract
For clinic booking and further inquiries, contact us on +255 (0) 735000002.