Emergency Department

Emergency Medicine Department
Attributes of the department (competitive advantage)
Accessibility and convenience - Emergency Department is typically more accessible, especially during urgent conditions. It is open 24/7 and do not require appointments, allowing patients to seek medical care whenever necessary without prior scheduling.
Services offered by the department
Rescucitation services, Observation services, Outpatient services, Laboratory and pharmaceutical services
Doctors and other service providers
Emergency Medicine Specialists, Emergency Medicine Registrars, Trained nurses and medical attendants
Patients we serve per year
approx more than 60,000
How can a patient get access our services
Emergency Medicine Dept operates 24/7 - You don't need prior appointment to access our services
The institutions we are cooperating with
ABOTT Fund Tanzania - Has helped in building Central zone training site where basic and advanced emergency medicine courses are taught.
Our plans for quality services
Frequent in-house trainings to sharpen clinician's skills and provide better emergency medicine care.
Currently improvements
Strengthening EMS services - we are working on making sure patients get easy and smooth access to an ambulance whenever in need
For clinic booking and further inquiries, contact us on +255 (0) 735000002.