Mwanzo / Clinics / Kliniki ya Upasuaji wa Neva

Kliniki ya Upasuaji wa Neva

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Attributes of the department (competitive advantage);

Outpatient and inpatient care for patients with neurosurgical conditions

Services offered by the department;

Outpatient, inpatient and surgical care for neurosurgical patients

Doctors and other service providers;

Henry Dotto Humba: brain, spine and peripheral nerves surgical and medical care

Clinics and other services;

Monday to Friday OPD clinics

Number of patients you serve per year;

OPD clinic 7200 patients/year and 427 surgeries / year

How can a patient get access to our services?

At Benjamin Mkapa hospital

Institutions we are cooperating with and how are you cooperating;

UDOM : teaching, Tokushukai:  neuro vascular services establishment at BMH: including training, MOI, COSECSA

Plans for quality services 

1.Best custumer care at every point of care
2.Care following SOPs

Currently improvements on working

1. Increase number of neurosurgeons
2. Acquire high tech surgical adjuvant equipments
3. Training of support staff

For clinic booking and further inquiries, contact us on +255 (0) 735000002.

Clinic Specialists