Oxygen Plant
Published on September 23, 2024

An oxygen plant is an industrial facility designed to produce oxygen for various applications. These plants use technologies like cryogenic distillation or pressure swing adsorption (PSA) to extract oxygen from atmospheric air, where oxygen makes up about 21%. Here's an overview of the two main types of oxygen plants:
1. Cryogenic Oxygen Plant
- Process: Cryogenic distillation involves cooling air to extremely low temperatures, causing its components (like nitrogen, oxygen, and argon) to liquefy at different temperatures. Oxygen is separated out and purified in its liquid or gaseous state.
- Capacity: These plants are typically used for large-scale oxygen production in industries like steel manufacturing, chemical production, and healthcare.
- Purity: Produces high-purity oxygen (up to 99.7%).
2. Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Oxygen Plant
- Process: PSA plants use molecular sieves to adsorb nitrogen from the air under high pressure, leaving concentrated oxygen. When the pressure is reduced, the nitrogen is released, and the process repeats.
- Capacity: Used for medium- to small-scale production, often in hospitals and for small industrial uses.
- Purity: Oxygen purity typically ranges between 90-95%.
Common Applications
- Medical: Hospitals and healthcare facilities rely on oxygen plants to supply oxygen for patients with respiratory issues.
- Industrial: Oxygen is used in steelmaking, welding, and in chemical processes like producing synthetic fuels.
- Environmental: Oxygen can be used in water treatment to enhance the breakdown of waste in sewage treatment plants.